Spring greetings from the Dörren team

The Dörren team warmly thanks everyone who has shown interest or participated in Dörren. The registration to the networking meetings has been paused from 1.6.2021 but Luckan Integration is working actively on the future scenarios of Dörren. We hope to be able to announce the re-opening of our professional networking soon.

At this point over 200 meetings have been confirmed and the number keeps growing as many of the spring matches still plan their meetings. Close to 400 foreign and local professionals in Uusimaa have met through these meetings and many of the Door Openers have also come back for several meetings! 

It has been great to see the interest towards networking among both foreign and local professionals in various industries. The huge popularity of Dörren, especially among foreign professionals, shows how big the need for networking is! The Dörren team has worked hard to be able to offer a meeting to as many as possible during the current project period. 

Thank you also for all of your feedback! We have been glad to hear what the Dörren networking has meant to you and also how we can continue to improve the services. To celebrate we will continue to post some of your experiences on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram during the summer. 

Do you have suggestions and ideas for the future of Dörren? Be in touch: [email protected].