Our story
Luckan Integration has supported newcomers in finding employment, studies and free-time activities in Finland for more than 10 years. The lack of insight into one’s field of work in Finland, as well as the lack of networks, are key challenges that our customers are facing.
According to The Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra, 7 out of 10 jobs in Finland are gained through personal networks. Through networks job seekers find out about employment opportunities and gain more in-depth information about the requirements within their field of work. To develop new professional networks in a new country is therefore important for anyone interested in finding a job matching one’s skills and qualifications.
But professional networks are also of critical importance for employers who are trying, sometimes desperately, to find the skills and talents that they need to stay competitive and relevant in today’s world. Foreign-born persons and local employers seem to have difficulties in finding each other. Broader professional networks are in the interest of all parties.
In November 2017 Luckan was invited to the Nordic Welfare Centre in Sweden to present our mentorship programme, Fika, as a successful integration initiative. In the same seminar the Yrkesdörren concept - a Swedish initiative developed by Axfoundation, Antonia Ax: son Johnson's Foundation for Sustainable Development, was presented.
In Yrkesdörren meetings are created between established Swedes and people who are new to the country - within the same professional industry. The aim is to broaden networks and speed up foreign-born professionals’ establishment in the job market. Yrkesdörren immediately struck a chord with us. This was a concept that we felt was much needed in Finland!
From thought to action! We got in touch with Axfoundation to discuss the possibility to apply the concept in Finland and in March 2018 we applied for funding from the European Social Fund to do so. The project Dörren was granted funding in the summer of 2018 and in autumn 2018 we started adapting Yrkesdörren to become Dörren in Finland. In the project we are collaborating closely with the Swedish initiative Yrkesdörren.
Contact us
Gerd Norrgård
Program Coordinator
+358 45 211 7922
Do you have questions about the Dörren process or do you need our help?
Please contact us at: dorren(a)luckan.fi