Networking event with Dörren by Luckan

Date: 10.12.2021
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Online (Zoom)

Do you want to discuss your industry and professional experience with a peer from a different background?

Join Dörren’s networking event (in English) ONLINE on Zoom on 10 December at 8:45-9:45 am.

Registration for this event is now closed.

This event is perfect for YOU who:

… works at a company or an organisation, or who maybe is a member of an association that wants to:

– expand its competence in diversity, in a simple yet concrete way

– give back to society

– increase its visibility among international professionals in Finland, or

– prepare for recruitment of international employees in the future


… is from abroad and:

– needs to know more about the conditions and possibilities in your industry in Finland, and

– wants to build a professional network

The core of the event is an individual meeting between a locally established and a foreign-born professional from the same industry. Before the event, we match everyone with a discussion partner based on his or her professional profile. During the networking meeting, both persons get to broaden their networks and perspectives, while the foreign-born professional also gains insight into his or her industry in Finland.

Hundreds of people in the capital region have already met through Dörren, which is Luckan Integration’s program for professional networking between locally established and foreign-born professionals. In a Dörren networking meeting, you get to try out a Dörren meeting in the company of others!